Me and albatross have made up, and we're both a lot happier! He's working on a song, and I'm hoping to be the first to listen. Obviously, as it's his first, they'll have to approve it, and I REALLY hope they do. I've also revisioned Dragostea din Tei Metalic so that it's longer and has an extra guitar and a new piano. Guys, give albatross support and encouragement. Zerobombing is not the way to go, he's had a friend go into the hospital for 2 months because he was with some "drunken losers," as he termed it, two of which were killed in an accident. He's lucky his friend was in the hospital, mine died overnight before I turned 16. Gouki, Sc00p, give him some tips if he asks, and maybe a few more if he doesn't. Albatross, let me know when it's done, ok, buddy? I REALLY want to listen to it, I am PUMPED. Necropsis, welcome to Newgrounds, man, better than Kongregate in some cases, right?
EDIT: I just made an account to an online strategy game that seems to have inspirations from real life and various video games. Here's my recruitment link: 04fe426658d6b6505eec6465d60cabf50aebbf b5c464efeeb7
By the way, here's a pic of me:
wow, that's a nice pic man. yeah things are sure lookin' up from here on out.
Thanks. I'll admit, I'm not in the best of shape. My BMI is 35, which is obese for guys. Well, I'm lucky I ain't my mom, she's 42, which is WAY obese for girls.